Mental health First Aid India



Mind Resolutions to Cope with COVID Stress


The period of staying in during the lockdown period can test people’s patience and endurance – accepting & following the restrictions to their movement & activities. It is important to understand the purpose behind the measures taken by the Government. These are some of the things we could resolve to do to combat the feeling of ‘unproductiveness’ due to the restrictions.

  • Declutter  / clean up something you have been wanting to.(Eg., a cupboard) It can feel very relieving.
  • Set a new routine to structure your day & feel more purposeful & productive.
  • Make a list of things to do & set a plan for a week. Plan each day’s activity.
  • Adding a bit of work daily, to a larger project.
  • List out the number of things you did each day. Allow yourself to feel a sense of accomplishment.
  • Set alarms & deadlines for each activity.
  • Debrief at the end of a day. Recognize the emotions that you experienced each day and try to understand what made you feel so.
  • Tell yourself that your current state of being housebound is because you are a law abiding citizen.  You are contributing to need of the hour by staying in.  Resolve to respect the rules.
  • Relate to your family members with courtesy, love & tenderness. Experience the sense of belonging & support you get back.
  • Resolve to make this period of staying in a  pleasant one. Indulge in a physical game or activity that will allow you to be distracted from the mundane routine. Laugh.

Let’s resolve to beat the pandemic blues with these simple ideas!

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